From Aphrodite to Melusine






Product Details:


Title: From Aphrodite to Melusine.
Reflections on the Archaeology and the History of Cyprus

Editors: Matteo Campagnolo, Marielle Martiniani-Reber

Format: Softcover Paperback, 203 pages, 24 coloured illustrations and maps, bibliography, index

Publisher: La Pomme d'or S.A., Geneva 2007

Language: English - French

English ISBN:  987-954-8446-04-4

French ISBN: 987-954-8446-03-7

Dimensions: 23 x 14.5 cm

Price: € 21 (plus € 8  for shipping & handling)

Available now!










From October 2006 to March 2007, the rich cultural heritage of Cyprus, from the classical period to the fifteen century, was on display at the Geneva Musee d’art et d’histoire. During the exhibition, Beatrice Demetriades-Power, Consul General a. h. of the Republic of Cyprus and the Museum organized a series of public lectures on various aspects of Cypriot history and culture, which are collected in this scholarly volume.





Matteo Campagnolo, Marielle Martiniani-Reber:

Danielle Decrouez:
Cyprus, an Island with Exceptional Geology.

Jacques Chamay:
Cyprus from its Origins until the Roman Period.

Andre Hurst:
The Cypria, Stasinus, Homer and the Orient.

Esther Wolff:
Notes on the Act of Perfuming Clothes and on the Cypriot Origin of Minoan and Greek Perfumery.

Matteo Campagnolo:
The Parallel Lives of Evagoras I of Salamis and Peter I de Lusignan.

David Jacoby:
The Frankish States of the Levant and Cyprus under the Lusignans: a Century of Relations (1191-1291).

Marielle Martiniani-Reber:
An Exceptional Piece of Embroidery Held in Switzerland: the Grandson antependium.

Jacques Chamay:
The Templars and Hospitallers in Cyprus between Jerusalem and Rhodes (1291-1310).

Gilles Grivaud:
Living Together in the Society of the Lusignan Kingdom.

Jean Richard:
Multiculturalism and Multilingualism in Cyprus under the Lusignans.

Bertrand Bouvier:
Musical life at the Lusignan Court in the Late 14th and Early 15th Century. The Turin J.II.9 Manuscript.

Beatrice Demetriades Power:
Anne of Cyprus.
Charlote of Cyprus.

Vassos Karageorghis:

By way of conclusion – Cypriot Archaeology: Problems, Success and Current Trends.







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