Paul Magdalino
Contributions to books
1. 'The Byzantine Holy Man in the Twelfth Century', The Byzantine Saint, ed. S. Hackel (London, 1981), 51-66 [R].
2. 'The Bath of Leo the Wise', Maistor. Classical, Byzantine and Renaissance Studies for Robert Browning, ed. A. Moffatt (Canberra, 1984), 225-40.
3. 'Byzantine Snobbery', The Byzantine Aristocracy, IX to XIII Centuries, ed. M. Angold, British Archaeological Reports, International Series 221 (Oxford, 1984), 58-78 [R].
4. 'The Byzantine Aristocratic Oikos', The Byzantine Aristocracy, ed. Angold, 92-111[R].
5. 'Die Jurisprudenz als Komponente der byzantinischen Gelehrtenkultur des 12. Jahrhunderts', Cupido Legum, ed. L. Burgmann, M.Th.Fögen, A. Schminck (Frankfurt am Main, 1985), 169-78[R].
6. 'Postal and Intelligence Services, Byzantine', Dictionary of the Middle Ages, vol.10 (New York, 1988), 58-60.
7. (also listed below under iii) 'The Phenomenon of Manuel I Komnenos', Byzantium and the West, c.850-c.1200, ed. J.D. Howard-Johnston (Amsterdam, 1988), 171-200[R].
8. (also listed below under iii) 'Between Romaniae: Thessaly and Epirus in the Later Middle Ages', Latins and Greeks in the Eastern Mediterranean after 1204, ed. B. Arbel, B. Hamilton, D. Jacoby (London, 1989), 87-110[R].
9. 'Church, Bath and Diakonia in Medieval Constantinople', Church and People in Byzantium , ed. R. Morris (Birmingham, 1990), 165-88.
10. 'Hellenism and Nationalism in Byzantium', in Magdalino, Tradition and Transformation [see above, (i) 2], no.XIV; published separately in Neohellenism, ed. J. Burke and S. Gauntlett, Humanities Research Centre Monograph 5 (Canberra, 1992), 1-29.
11. 'Constantinople and the έξω χώραι in the Time of Balsamon', Byzantium in the 12th Century. Canon Law, State, and Society, ed. N. Oikonomides (Athens, 1991; published 1992), 179-98.
12. 'Enlightenment and Repression in Twelfth-Century Byzantium. The Evidence of the Canonists', Byzantium in the 12th Century, ed. Oikonomides, 357-74.
13. (with R. Macrides) 'The Fourth Kingdom and the Rhetoric of Hellenism', The Perception of the Past, ed. Magdalino (see above (i) 3), 117-56: pp.117-20, 139-56
14. 20 contributions to the Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ed. A. Kazhdan (Oxford, 1991).
15. 'Τα χαρτουλαράτα της Βόρειας Ελλάδας το 1204', in Το Δεσποτάτο της Ηπείρου. Πρακτικά Διεθνών Συμποσίων για το Δεσποτάτο της Ηπείρου (Άρτα 27-32 Μαΐου 1990)
16. 'The Bagoas of Nikephoros Basilakes: A Normal Reaction?', Of Strangers and Foreigners (Late Antiquity - Middle Ages), ed. L. Mayali and Maria M. Mart (Berkeley, 1993), 47-63.
17. 'The history of the future and its uses: prophecy, policy and propaganda', The Making of Byzantine History. Studies Dedicated to Donald M. Nicol on his Seventieth Birthday, ed. R. Beaton and C. Roueché (Aldershot, 1993), 3-34; to be reprinted with postscript in The Expansion of the Orthodox World, ed. J. Shepard (Aldershot, 2004) .
18. 'Digenes Akrites and Byzantine Literature: the twelfth-century background to the Grottaferrata version', in Digenes Akrites: New Approaches to Byzantine Heroic Poetry, ed. R. Beaton and D. Ricks (Aldershot, 1993), 1-14.
19. 'Justice and Finance in the Byzantine State, Ninth to Twelfth Centuries', in Law and Society in Byzantium: Ninth-Twefth Centuries, ed. D. Simon and A. Laiou (Washington, D.C., 1994), 93-115 [R].
20. 'The grain supply of Constantinople, ninth-twelfth centuries', in Constantinople and its Hinterland, ed. C. Mango and G. Dagron (Aldershot, 1995), 35-47.
21. 'Randgruppen II: Byzanz', Lexikon des Mittelalters. (Artemis-Winkler), vol. 7, pp.436-7.
22. 'Innovations in government', in Alexios I Komnenos, I, Papers, ed. M. Mullett and D. Smythe, Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations 4.1 (Belfast, 1996), 146-66.
23. 'The reform edict of 1107', in Alexios I Komnenos, I, ed. Mullett and Smythe, 199-218.
24. 'Eustathios and Thessalonica', FILELLHN. Studies in Honour of Robert Browning, ed. C.N. Constantinides, N.M. Panagiotakes, E. Jeffreys and A.D. Angelou (Venice, 1996), 225-38
25. 'Istanbul, History and Urban Development to 1453', Dictionary of Art, ed. J. Turner (Macmillan: London and New York, 1996), vol.16, 578-84
26. 'In Search of the Byzantine Courtier: Leo Choirosphaktes and Constantine Manasses', in Byzantine Court Culture from 829 to 1204, ed. H. Maguire (Washington, D.C., 1997), 141-65
27. 'The road to Baghdad in the thought world of ninth century Byzantium', in Dead or Alive? Byzantium in the Ninth Century, ed. L. Brubaker (Aldershot, 1998), 195-213
28. 'Constantinopolitana', in AETOS. Studies in honour of Cyril Mango, ed. I. Sevcenko and I. Hutter (Leipzig/Stuttgart, 1998), 220-32 [R].
29. 'The Byzantine Army and the Land: from stratiotikon ktema to military pronoia', in Byzantium at War, 9th-12th Centuries, ed. N. Oikonomides (Athens, 1997), 15-36
30. (with Lyn Rodley) 'The Evergetis fountain in the early thirteenth century: an ekphrasis of the paintings in the cupola', in Work and Worship at the Evergetis, ed. M. Mullett and A. Kirby (Belfast, 1998), 432-47 [R].
31. 'The Non-Juridical Legislation of the Emperor Leo VI', Analecta Athenensia ad ius byzantinum spectantia, I, ed. Sp. Troianos, Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte, Athener Reihe (Athens, 1998), 169-82
32. 'Paphlagonians in Byzantine High Society', in Byzantine Asia Minor (6th-12th cent.), ed. S. Lampakis (Athens, 1998), 141-50.
33. '"What we heard in the Lives of the saints we have seen with our own eyes": the Holy Man as Literary Text in Tenth-century Constantinople', in The Cult of Saints in Christianity and Islam: Essays on the Contribution of Peter Brown, ed. J. Howard-Johnston and P.A. Hayward (Oxford, 1999), 83-112
34. 'The Pen of the Aunt: Echoes of the Mid-Twelfth Century in the Alexiad', in Anna Komnene and her Times, ed. Th. Gouma-Peterson (New York, 2000), 15-43
35. 'Constantinople and the outside world', in Strangers to Themselves: The Byzantine Outsider, ed. D. Smythe (Aldershot, 2000), 149-162 [R].
36. 'Aristocratic oikoi in the tenth and eleventh regions of Constantinople', in Byzantine Constantinople: Monuments, Topography and Everyday Life, ed. N. Necipoglu (Leiden, 2001), 53-69 [R].
37. 'Medieval Constantinople: Built Environment and Urban Development', in The Economic History of Byzantium, ed. A. Laiou (Washington, D.C., 2002), 529-37
38. 'The Medieval Empire (780-1204)' in Oxford History of Byzantium, ed. C. Mango (Oxford, 2002), 169-208
39. 'The Byzantine Reception of Classical Astrology', in, Literacy, education and manuscript transmission in Byzantium and beyond, ed. C. Holmes and J. Waring (Leiden, 2002) , 33-57
40. 'A history of Byzantine literature for historians', in Pour une “ nouvelle” histoire de la littérature byzantine, ed. P. Odorico and P.A. Agapitos (Paris, 2002), 167-84
41. ‘The Year 1000 in Byzantium’, in P. Magdalino (ed.), Byzantium in the Year 1000 (Leiden, 2002), 233-70
42. .'The Porphyrogenita and the Astrologers: A Commentary on Alexiad VI.7.1-7', in Porphyrogenita: Essays in honour of Julian Chrysostomides , ed. Ch. Dendrinos et al. (Aldershot, 2003), 15-31
43. 'Cosmological Confectionery and Equal Opportunity in the Eleventh Century. An Ekphrasis by Christopher of Mitylene (poem 42)', in Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations. Texts and Translations dedicated to the Memory of Nicolas Oikonomides, ed. J. Nesbitt (Leiden, 2003), 1-6
44. 'Prosopography and Byzantine Identity', in Fifty Years of Prosopography, ed. Averil Cameron, Proceedings of the British Academy 118 (Oxford, 2003), 41-56.
45. 'L'église du Phare et les reliques de la Passion à Constantinople (VIIe/VIIIe-XIIIe s.)', in Byzance et les reliques du Christ, ed. J. Durand and B. Flusin, Centre de recherche d’Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Monographies 17 (Paris, 2004), 15-30.
46. 'The Byzantine Empire 1118-1204', New Cambridge Medieval History, IV, 2, ed. D. Luscombe and J. Riley-Smith (Cambridge, 2004), 611-43.
47. ‘Ο οφθαλμός της οικουμένης και ο ομφαλός της γης, Το Βυζάντιο ως οικουμένη’, ed. E. Chrysos (Athens, 2005), 107-23
48. 'Prophecies of the Fall of Constantinople', in A. Laiou (ed.), Urbs capta: The Fourth Crusade and its Consequences; la IVe croisade et ses conséquences, Réalités byzantines 10 (Paris 2005), 41-53
49. 'Um 1147. Wie das Bild des Basileus in Westeuropa genutzt wurde', in B. Jussen (ed.), Die Macht des Königs. Herrschaft in Europa vom Frühmittelalter bis in die Neuzeit (C.H. Beck, Munich 2005), 181-90.
50. ‘Tourner en dérision à Byzance’, La dérision au Moyen Âge, ed E. Crouzet-Pavan, J. Verger (Paris, 2007), 55-72.